I'm Only Shelly, Welcome To My Life!! :)

Well, I hope that this doesnt turn into one of those blogs about how my life is so terrible. And I know it wont because my life ROCKS! I have a great family, great friends and a great place to go to school.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Its Been A While!

I'm ready.

I thought I still wouldnt be ready to go back to UIS when the time came...but after this weekend...I'm ready. I just dont have that many friends in this area anymore! I have like my youth group friends, but seriously-when you hang out with the same like 10 people for so long, its just annoying...

I think I'm gonna go visit Betsy. That would be REALLY FUN!!! And of course I'd have to see Emily and Rachel and Heidi too kuz they're all in the same general area (ya know...an hour from each other) but they're all Southern IL. Me and Lindsay decided we're gonna go. I want to...BAD...I have 2 weeks with NO RYKER! Be the longest time we've had apart in like 2 months! I love that kid, he rocks. Sometimes he talks about Scott and its just so adorable. Ya know, one day he told me that Scott eats lots of hot dogs in heaven with Jesus. I'm like wow...a 2 1/2 year old can make my eyes misty in all of about 2 seconds. PLUS its over dumb stuff like hot dogs in heaven. If I write a book someday, I'm going to call it Hot Dogs In Heaven. That would be cool.

I need some alone-time, but I just cant seem to find the right spot. When I was at school, I'd just take my blanket, go out to the UIS Pond and be by myself...Its a bit more difficult living in a house with 7 other people.

Ok...this is all for now I'm tired...

See Ya!


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