I'm Only Shelly, Welcome To My Life!! :)

Well, I hope that this doesnt turn into one of those blogs about how my life is so terrible. And I know it wont because my life ROCKS! I have a great family, great friends and a great place to go to school.

Friday, August 19, 2005

First Week!!

Wow! It has been a crazy few days! I moved into LRH on Tuesday afternoon, but wasnt able to really get in the dorm till my parents left town at about 9:30. Once they left I set up some stuff with the help of my awesome friend Jeremy and Wednesday was training for HSA. It was alright, but there are some things you just have to learn by doing.

Today was freshman move-in day. It was awesome, I started helping around 8:30am, the kids from my high school got here around 10-10:30, and I started work at noon. I'm so glad that Hillary is here kuz we get along really well. Jeni came to visit tonight too which was cool.

I've had the greatest time with my friends the past few days, really has been taking my mind off of other stupid things. Last night before the freshmen moved in, Kyle Chris Emily and I made the signs to hang outside LRH and Chris finished his bulletin board and we just had a great time laughing and joking around. I've missed that.

I miss Ryker and Alyssa and Chris. They have been such a part of my life this summer that its hard to think that I wont see them for a while. I miss Ryker mostly, just kuz he's my little buddy. I need to have Alyssa give me some pictures of him for my scrapbook so I can finish it.

Well, its about 1am and I'm getting ready to go to bed, I know its early...but these freshies dont seem to have the stamina to handle late nights yet...we'll give them a few days. Its okay though kuz I'm exhausted and sore from all the lifting and stuff today. Anyways...I'm sure I'll be posting more since I have nothing better to do this semester (Well other than class)



At 4:13 PM, Blogger Bradjward said...


... Why are my comments always pointless? :)

At 1:35 AM, Blogger Shelly said...

I dunno, but I <3 them!!!


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