I'm Only Shelly, Welcome To My Life!! :)

Well, I hope that this doesnt turn into one of those blogs about how my life is so terrible. And I know it wont because my life ROCKS! I have a great family, great friends and a great place to go to school.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

I <3 this stuff!!!

Well, lately I've been a little discouraged by what other people have said about activities that I participate in (i.e. SAC, MIG). I've had a rough time trying to figure out what I really want and what is important for me.

I love MIG, I think its a great oportunity for young people who want to be involved in the political arena. I know, I know-its a 4 day party, but there are people (ME) who do not enjoy partying and who stay out of that scene for the entire weekend other than when campaigning (and yes that was approved by housing, I signed a small contract that said I could). Personally, I dont have a problem with people who like to drink, I just choose not to! A) because I am underage and B) because I can see what it does to people and I dont want that to be me!

SAC is something I am involved in that is really important to me right now, I mean I get to plan homecoming, springfest and all kinds of other great programs that benefit students on and off this campus throughout the year! This is something I'm not going to give up just because my friends dont like the other e-board members. Just because I work with them doesnt mean they have to like it/like them (eboard) and doesnt mean I am a bad person!

Okay, well thats done, just wanted to get it off my chest. I think I'm limiting myself to those kindsa posts to one a year...hopefully I will never do that again...

SO!!! ONTO AWESOME THINGS!!! So BradJWard gave me a book to read, and I LOVE IT!!! It's called Am I The One? by James R. Lucas. IT ROCKS MY FACE OFF!!! and I've only read like a chapter, but if I had the time I think I could finish it in like an hour. My favorite part so far (ya know...since I've read sooooo much of it ;) is this:

Its wonderful to be young! Enjoy every minute of it. Do everything you want to do; take it all in. -Ecclesiastes 11:9 NLT
And you like the sound of the opening Bible verse above. Never heard that one before! It is wonderful to be young! Unlike a lot of "church people," God is telling you that it is perfectly all right to "enjoy every minute of it."
Of course, this is all out of context so you should read this book before just going out and doing whatever you want ;) but seriously--like this book says-- God created fun! he wants you to enjoy your life! SO DO IT!
Thats all I got for now, but when I have time to read the rest of this book, I'll let you know how it is :)
See Ya


At 11:26 PM, Blogger Bradjward said...

Glad you are enjoying the book, keep your head up. It's not our fault that some people have an yearning to become "powerful" and rule the school. Just think of where you will be in 10 years, and where they will be. Jesus loves you :)


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