I'm Only Shelly, Welcome To My Life!! :)

Well, I hope that this doesnt turn into one of those blogs about how my life is so terrible. And I know it wont because my life ROCKS! I have a great family, great friends and a great place to go to school.

Saturday, December 03, 2005


ok...so its not break. but I'm taking a break, to BLOG! woohoo!

As you all probly have noticed, its been a hard few days for me. I guess what I'm having issues with is WHY it is having such an impact, I mean, I thought I was okay, I thought I had gotten over it. I guess I'll just have to keep swimming :)

In other news, I mailed my internship application video to CIY on thursday. $13.48 later, my video and all my references and my written application are all in before the due date :) I'm so glad. I'm worried about it. I'm not gonna lie. I keep thinking of things I could've done better, or at least differently. Maybe it would turn out differently. The good thing I guess is that I'll find out if I get it (or if I dont) by January 13th! before I even come back from break I'll know if I have plans this summer or not. whoa. Its big for me. REALLY BIG. I cant imagine not going home for the summer. I mean my stuff would be at home but realistically how often would I get to visit? not very often.

So if I get this internship I need a new bank. One that has plenty of locations all over the United States. I've been waiting to look into that until I find out if I get the job or not...but I think that'll be an exciting moment for me...I'll have my own bank account...course, we all know that I'll have my dad's name on it kuz then if I need $ he can put some in there like he does ;) My dad rocks. I'm just saying. He's going back to school ya know? He's taking a full load at the community college next semester, he wants to be a History teacher. I think its awesome. I think it would be awesome if we both ended up being history teachers...i've also had 'what am i going to do w/my life crisis' this week, but I'm learning to just let it go.

I think the thing i've learned the most in the past couple weeks is that if something doesnt work out, its because God has something better in store for me. I just HAVE to trust that when things dont work out (in a general sense) that there must be something WAAAY better waiting at the next corner, and if everything I WANT to work out worked out I would miss those things. I read an amazing blog on a procrastination break just like this one a few days ago. You should read it. You really should.

i'm just sayin


At 11:46 AM, Blogger erinlizabeth said...

good stuff on God having bigger plans sometimes. i get so caught up on what i think'll be best sometimes, i don't let Him work.

i 1.429 you shelly runyard.

oh, and the link to my blog is wrong...i'm not from kentucky. ;)


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