I'm Only Shelly, Welcome To My Life!! :)

Well, I hope that this doesnt turn into one of those blogs about how my life is so terrible. And I know it wont because my life ROCKS! I have a great family, great friends and a great place to go to school.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Well okay. I'm home. Yes. We've established that. But I thought I'd just remind you :)

Tonight was quite awesome, I'm just saying :) Okay, see I've known about this Christmas party at Jeff Black's house for about a month or so, and have been planning on going for about 2 weeks. I knew since I got the first email that I needed to bring something for the potluck dinner we were having. The party started at 7pm tonight, and at 3 I still hadnt decided what to bring. So I went to the store, bought a buncha different kindsa cookie dough tube things and made like 8 million cookies. (that I forced Jeff to eat and then I rolled him into his room so he could go to bed) I got to Jeff's around 7:15 or so and stayed until about 9 when I called my bestest buddy Brad. The phone call went something like this:

Me: BRAD!! Hi! Whats up!?
Brad: nothin, are you at Jeff Blacks? We've been moving since like 10am today and havent finished yet...
Me: Thats okay, I'm leaving, it was fun, but I'm goin.
Brad: You wanna stop by before you leave?
Me: Yep, plannin on it, just makin sure you were there.
Brad: See you in 5 Minutes and 2 Seconds.
Me: AWESOME! bye.

YAY I GOT TO GO TO BRAD'S APARTMENT!!! then...3 hours later...around midnight the conversation went a little like this:

Brad: Jen go look at the desk me and Shelly built, its prettymuch the coolest.
Jen: Wow, that looks good. Lets move the bookshelf.
Me: Ok lets do it.
Me: Man I feel tired...(looks at phone)...WHOA I HAFTA GO! IT'S ALMOST MIDNIGHT!
Jen: WHOA! I cant believe its that late!
(I run out the door)

Ok I really didnt run out the door...But I left. It was late! So now I just got home, its like 1am and I really dont remember the last hour of my life (is that bad?) I'm home safe though so I guess nothing big happened :/

I had a really good time with my friends tonight though and it was great to see Brad and Jen. (I say that like its been a year since I last saw them) anyways, im wiped from all the driving/cookie making so im gonna hit the hay.

See Ya!


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