I'm Only Shelly, Welcome To My Life!! :)

Well, I hope that this doesnt turn into one of those blogs about how my life is so terrible. And I know it wont because my life ROCKS! I have a great family, great friends and a great place to go to school.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

I <3 this stuff!!!

Well, lately I've been a little discouraged by what other people have said about activities that I participate in (i.e. SAC, MIG). I've had a rough time trying to figure out what I really want and what is important for me.

I love MIG, I think its a great oportunity for young people who want to be involved in the political arena. I know, I know-its a 4 day party, but there are people (ME) who do not enjoy partying and who stay out of that scene for the entire weekend other than when campaigning (and yes that was approved by housing, I signed a small contract that said I could). Personally, I dont have a problem with people who like to drink, I just choose not to! A) because I am underage and B) because I can see what it does to people and I dont want that to be me!

SAC is something I am involved in that is really important to me right now, I mean I get to plan homecoming, springfest and all kinds of other great programs that benefit students on and off this campus throughout the year! This is something I'm not going to give up just because my friends dont like the other e-board members. Just because I work with them doesnt mean they have to like it/like them (eboard) and doesnt mean I am a bad person!

Okay, well thats done, just wanted to get it off my chest. I think I'm limiting myself to those kindsa posts to one a year...hopefully I will never do that again...

SO!!! ONTO AWESOME THINGS!!! So BradJWard gave me a book to read, and I LOVE IT!!! It's called Am I The One? by James R. Lucas. IT ROCKS MY FACE OFF!!! and I've only read like a chapter, but if I had the time I think I could finish it in like an hour. My favorite part so far (ya know...since I've read sooooo much of it ;) is this:

Its wonderful to be young! Enjoy every minute of it. Do everything you want to do; take it all in. -Ecclesiastes 11:9 NLT
And you like the sound of the opening Bible verse above. Never heard that one before! It is wonderful to be young! Unlike a lot of "church people," God is telling you that it is perfectly all right to "enjoy every minute of it."
Of course, this is all out of context so you should read this book before just going out and doing whatever you want ;) but seriously--like this book says-- God created fun! he wants you to enjoy your life! SO DO IT!
Thats all I got for now, but when I have time to read the rest of this book, I'll let you know how it is :)
See Ya

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Speckly Skin and Various Other Things...

I have speckly skin-just so you all know! I had a real bad sunburn this summer and it peeled really weird so now everytime im in the sun or hot, parts of my skin get red faster than other parts. weird huh.

Its the first week of classes, and aside from a few occurances this week its been great!

I've been finishing Donald Miller's Searching For God Knows What and today I was reading about morals. It says

"All of us subscribe to some kind of morality, mostly born of a conscience rather than a book. And the Bible is not structured as a moral code. It does not have all the answers on right and wrong. It has some, enough to guide a man's conscience, but a book containing a complete moral code would require all pages in all books.

Somehow, and for some reason, each of us subscribes to a kind of morality, and although for some this code is not defined, it is understood and adhered to...

The truth is, we all want morality. We know morals will make us better people, and we even feel a kind of nobility when we subscribe and defend a code."

Just kinda hit me today that this whole not wanting bad things to come out of my mouth was not only just that, but wanting to be moral, wanting to not do bad things so that I could FEEL like I was doing something right. But as God has reminded me for quite some time now, HE's in charge and its not for me, its for Him. So as long as I remember that the words out of my mouth are not for me, not for helping me make new friends, but for Him, I think I can do a lot better.

Thanks for listening...well reading...


Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Art and Music is F-U-N

Wow this is the most boring class I think I have ever been to! Its too bad that these freshmen havent figured out the IMing during class thing ;) We have small group in Brookens...I mean seriously what kinda class meets in Brookens?? Oh well...

Even tho I'm trying to get better with what comes out of my mouth, I've not been very good lately...just gotta try harder is all.

Anyways, now we're breaking into small groups and we gotta walk to brookens...SUCK

See Ya

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Yes-Things are Happening :)

Well! Its been a couple days, or maybe one day...I have no idea...but anyways, things have been happening! My roommate moved in today, so thats fun and my suitemates, and the rest of the sophomores. Its good to see some people, not so good to see others.

For the record -- I <3 Heather Trammel :)

Sorry, she just walked up...SO Anyways, these new freshmen ROCK! I was a little afraid for the sophomores to move in, but it seems to be going well. Its so weird, kuz I've been meeting all new people for 2 days and now people I know are here and...well its just weird.

I'm at the desk, second night in a row and I got stressed out when someone called with a question I didnt know how to answer so I called Brad on the Nextel and I'm pretty sure he thought I was retarded...but thats okay. I can deal, I'm fine now, I just couldnt think of what to do! PLUS I have no one to talk to tonight kuz Reese and Josh went to Walmart.

I started the MIG flyer that I'm going to hand out on Tuesday. So far its got a couple MIG symbols...and 1 column of things you can do at MIG...but I dont know what else to put on there...Pictures prolly and a description of what each part does. I'm just stressed out -- a little nervous too I think. Its just with a new job and new living environment, its hard. I wanna go back home to go to church tomorrow but I dont think thats a very good example to the freshmen, I should stay and go to Rochester Christian Church tomorrow. I am, because I'm leading Hollyann and Katie. I hope I can find a freshie that wants to ride with me.

I know this is waaay jumpin topics, but I have been thinking a lot lately, and I havent set the best Christian example that I couldve this week. Thats hard too kuz I want to, I know that I should, but when I get around certain people (which seems to be almost all my UIS friends) I cuss more and say things I shouldnt and I judge people a lot more. I want people to be able to see Jesus in me and I'm not doing a very good job. I have my moments I guess, but sometimes I cant even look at myself in the mirror.

I'm learning...and its hard...but I love it :)


Friday, August 19, 2005

First Week!!

Wow! It has been a crazy few days! I moved into LRH on Tuesday afternoon, but wasnt able to really get in the dorm till my parents left town at about 9:30. Once they left I set up some stuff with the help of my awesome friend Jeremy and Wednesday was training for HSA. It was alright, but there are some things you just have to learn by doing.

Today was freshman move-in day. It was awesome, I started helping around 8:30am, the kids from my high school got here around 10-10:30, and I started work at noon. I'm so glad that Hillary is here kuz we get along really well. Jeni came to visit tonight too which was cool.

I've had the greatest time with my friends the past few days, really has been taking my mind off of other stupid things. Last night before the freshmen moved in, Kyle Chris Emily and I made the signs to hang outside LRH and Chris finished his bulletin board and we just had a great time laughing and joking around. I've missed that.

I miss Ryker and Alyssa and Chris. They have been such a part of my life this summer that its hard to think that I wont see them for a while. I miss Ryker mostly, just kuz he's my little buddy. I need to have Alyssa give me some pictures of him for my scrapbook so I can finish it.

Well, its about 1am and I'm getting ready to go to bed, I know its early...but these freshies dont seem to have the stamina to handle late nights yet...we'll give them a few days. Its okay though kuz I'm exhausted and sore from all the lifting and stuff today. Anyways...I'm sure I'll be posting more since I have nothing better to do this semester (Well other than class)


Friday, August 12, 2005

Its My Last Day!

WOOHOO ITS MY LAST DAY OF WORK TOMORROW!!! I'm excited, especially because I probably will not be back to the Dairy Barn next summer :) I really really want to work for CIY next summer...it would ROCK! I kinda like the idea of coming home again next summer, this summer has been really great (even tho Dad thinks all I wanna do is go back to UIS) which I do-dont get me wrong, but I love spending time with my family. I think one of the things that I've learned throughout the past year is that people we love could be gone at anytime and to cherish the time we are given.

Anyways, my best friend Hillary got her wisdom teeth taken out on tuesday but since she's a bleeder, they only took out two...they thought if they took out the other two they might have to give her a blood transfusion!!! I cant wait to live across the hall from her (I just hope we dont get on each others nerves!!) We're going shopping either tomorrow (if she's feeling better) or Monday. I'm excited for her since I know how awesome my first year at UIS was!

Right now I'm home alone, the family is at the cabin in Iowa, but I had to stay home kuz I had to work...I woke up at like 2:30 this mornin' and I seriously thought someone was robbing my house...PLUS I couldnt remember if I had locked the front door or not, but I didnt wanna get shot so I stayed upstairs (I did go check the front of the house to see if there were any cars or moving trucks taking our stuff) I just went back to sleep (took me quite a while) and when I finally got out of bed at like 10 I went downstairs and found that the front door was actually unlocked, but nothing was missing so I guess we're good! haha

Alyssa and Ryker get home tonight or tomorrow mornin! I cant wait to see them...I kinda miss Chris and Jimmy too tho...so I cant wait to see them too! I dont know what I'm gonna do when everybody in my youth group goes back to school. They have been my best friends this summer, and I dont know what I woulda done without them! Actually I kinda hope that I get to see Chris more often this year, considering he's only about 40 minutes from me! Who knows with school stuff, but it would be a blast!

Well anyways...I just found comments on my blog...AND I LOVE IT! I guess I didnt know that people actually read it/found something to respond to! Thanks you guys! I cant wait to see everyone at UIS and tell you all about my summer! only 4 more days! WHOA!!!!!!!

See Ya!

Thursday, August 04, 2005


Hey guess what!!!! I got a job! This means that my move-in date is pushed up to the 16th! THAT MEANS I HAVE 12 DAYS TO GET ALL MY STUFF TOGETHER AND MOVE OUT!!!


I cant wait, but I do have to work at the Dairy Barn almost every day in the next two weeks, but thats okay kuz then I'll have a little extra cash at the beginning of the year! WOOHOO!!!

Well, its time for work! I feel like crap...but I'm going to the doctor tomorrow! WOOHOO for that too!!! I better feel better in 12 days! Cant move in sick ya know
