I'm Only Shelly, Welcome To My Life!! :)

Well, I hope that this doesnt turn into one of those blogs about how my life is so terrible. And I know it wont because my life ROCKS! I have a great family, great friends and a great place to go to school.

Friday, December 30, 2005


So, its been a while, and I decided I should update :) Lets see, whats happened in the last week?

Friday and Saturday (23-24) I went to Rockford to see my extended family. It was awesome, and I got to see my aunt who had a gastric bypass last february (we were in the hospital at the same time!!!) for the first time since her surgery. She looks great, kinda creepy tho, she looks like my grandma. Course, so do I. At the visitation they made me stand next to a picture of her in her wedding dress and people did a double take :)

Sunday was low-key, we got up at like 8am (which I wasnt very happy about) and opened presents. I got clothes. And more clothes. And more clothes! It was exciting for me, kuz I love clothes! So yes, I'll be able to fill up my new closet :)

Monday my mom, sister and I went shopping in Springfield for like 7 hours...which was fun, and I got some stuff for my room, and some more clothes :)

Tuesday I packed up my room at school...which was weird...

Wednesday = nothing

Thursday I babysat Ryker all day, I mean all day...like i got there at 11am and didnt get home till almost 9pm. It was awesome, we watched the new Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (twice) and Madagascar. Plus he took a nap for like 2 1/2 hours so I watched TV and layed on the couch :) I'm such a good babysitter :)

I'm really excited for tomorrow, I'm going to Springfield and hanging out at Brad's apartment! Kyle mentioned something about fireworks at the capital? I wanna go. I LOVE fireworks :) They're so fun!

Really I've been pretty useless :) and I cant think of anything else to say...so...i'm gonna go...

see ya


Thursday, December 22, 2005

Great Things.

Ya know, I've thought a lot lately about how I need part of my life to be stable as I make the move from TwoSouth to 3South. (I keep wanting to type threesouth, but I'm not sure how the residents there would like it)... anyways. I realized something. The stable part in my life? MY FREAKIN FRIENDS! I have the best friends and I guess I lost sight of that in the past few days. I decided I'd devote this blog to them.

First. Lets talk about Gen. SHE ROCKS. One of my best friends in TwoSouth. Wow I look like a dork in this picture...oh well :) its the only one I got!!!

Next...Hillary!!! Hillary is my best friend from high school. I've never been friends with anyone longer than I've been friends with Hillary :) SHES SO COOL!!! Just look at her picture !!

Oh man. Brad. Hes so cool. Just look at this picture! Its from when we went to Slidell for the 2nd time, camera in hand (as always) visiting the house from our first trip! LOOK THE GARAGE IS CLEAN!!!

Aw. My best buddies. Kaley (me) Betsy and Emily. They're soooo cool. This is us at Brad and Jen's Engagement party. We always have so much fun together, and its so fun hanging out with them!

Wow. What can I even say about these people. Some of them I've already talked about...from top left: David C., Hillary, Ali, Robert, Gen, Liz, Jordan, Kyle, Jen, Brad, Taylor, Hollyann, Lance, Kaylee, (me), and Emily. Our last all-twosouth (and Jen) outing to Rushville...Its okay tho...because Brad's mom says we can come back. These people make my life AWESOME!

Look at these crazy boys. I dont even know what to say...

These are my favorites. Kyle (my new coworker) Brad and Matt. These boys have been amazing to me in the last 2 years (well ok year and a half) and probly should get a medal for putting up with me!!!!

LOOK! We're in Louisiana! From the Left: Jeff (stupid boy) Erin (I 1.45 her) Matt (Derby) and Josh (the honkey) I had such a good time with them in Slidell, I only wish we would have been able to serve together again! It was so great getting to know them!


Brad, Jen, Brad and I had such an amazing time serving in Louisiana the first time, we decided to go TWICE! We were even ready for a 3rd trip...but it just didnt work out :(

Anyways, this is just a small glimpse of my friends. They are QUITE amazing. I really miss them...and thats probly why I'm doing this post right now. But I'll see them soon!!! SOME OF THEM NEXT WEEKEND!!!

ok...time to go...

See Ya


Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Post #50!!!!

WHOA! I didnt know that my 50th post would be one with SUCH EXCITING NEWS in it!!!!




ok lets do this. I'm the new 3 South RA!!!! I'll be taking over for Matt in a few short weeks! I'm really excited about it, and hopefully the 3south Boys will be nice to me :) I know they will be, they're nice guys. I'm not sure how its gonna be when i move away from twosouth. I'm glad that everything is changing all at once tho. be easier to handle :)

Anyways, thats my exciting news!!!
See Ya

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Well okay. I'm home. Yes. We've established that. But I thought I'd just remind you :)

Tonight was quite awesome, I'm just saying :) Okay, see I've known about this Christmas party at Jeff Black's house for about a month or so, and have been planning on going for about 2 weeks. I knew since I got the first email that I needed to bring something for the potluck dinner we were having. The party started at 7pm tonight, and at 3 I still hadnt decided what to bring. So I went to the store, bought a buncha different kindsa cookie dough tube things and made like 8 million cookies. (that I forced Jeff to eat and then I rolled him into his room so he could go to bed) I got to Jeff's around 7:15 or so and stayed until about 9 when I called my bestest buddy Brad. The phone call went something like this:

Me: BRAD!! Hi! Whats up!?
Brad: nothin, are you at Jeff Blacks? We've been moving since like 10am today and havent finished yet...
Me: Thats okay, I'm leaving, it was fun, but I'm goin.
Brad: You wanna stop by before you leave?
Me: Yep, plannin on it, just makin sure you were there.
Brad: See you in 5 Minutes and 2 Seconds.
Me: AWESOME! bye.

YAY I GOT TO GO TO BRAD'S APARTMENT!!! then...3 hours later...around midnight the conversation went a little like this:

Brad: Jen go look at the desk me and Shelly built, its prettymuch the coolest.
Jen: Wow, that looks good. Lets move the bookshelf.
Me: Ok lets do it.
Me: Man I feel tired...(looks at phone)...WHOA I HAFTA GO! IT'S ALMOST MIDNIGHT!
Jen: WHOA! I cant believe its that late!
(I run out the door)

Ok I really didnt run out the door...But I left. It was late! So now I just got home, its like 1am and I really dont remember the last hour of my life (is that bad?) I'm home safe though so I guess nothing big happened :/

I had a really good time with my friends tonight though and it was great to see Brad and Jen. (I say that like its been a year since I last saw them) anyways, im wiped from all the driving/cookie making so im gonna hit the hay.

See Ya!

Saturday, December 17, 2005

I'm Home!

Hey everybody!

I'm at home, made it here safe and sound around noon today. Its good to be home I guess, I get to hang out with my...dogs? LOL my family is in Chicago for the weekend and I'll be here by myself until tomorrow night. I went out and hung out with some old friends tonight, but it wasnt the same.....

oh well, I guess thats part of growing up.

Another part of growing up is saying goodbye. I dont like it. I was okay when I said goodbye to Brad this morning, but I know that I'll see him probly even in the next 2 weeks, but when I said goodbye to matt, I'm not gonna lie, I cried like a big baby. After I got sorta-composed, I went out to my car and proceeded to cry like a big baby for another 5 minutes or so, and when I was finished, I drove away....of course when I got to the stop sign in front of LRH I stopped and cried for another couple minutes, good thing there werent any cars around....Thinking that nothing will be the same when I get back to LRH in January breaks my heart....I love the way things were, and I'm sure things will be okay when we get back, just not the same....

I have a MONSTER headache and I've had it for about a week, so I'm going to the doctor this week so that maybe I can feel better :( bleh

We had a suprise party for Brad on wednesday, it prettymuch rocked. I think he was a little bit suprised? I dont know. I dont think we've ever been able to really suprise Brad, does anyone remember his 'suprise' 21st birthday party???? Then Thursday and Friday nights we camped out in Brad's room for the last times. It was really fun (not for Gen...she had to work and we kept her up late) I dont want anyone else to live in that room. Really I dont. Really I dont want anyone in Brad, Matt, or Jen's rooms. Again, I dont like growing up.

Well just thinking about this stuff is making me all weepy again so I'm gonna stop for now.

See Ya

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


FINALS WEEK IS HERE!!! Wow! I cant believe the semester is almost over! I'm done with my CAP class, my LES class, and now all I have left is my Spanish Oral Final, my Art and Music Test and my POS Final. I kinda feel like I havent done as well this semester as I have before. I havent given as much effort to my CAP classes and I'm afraid that its going to come back to bite me here soon when grades come out.

In other news, two of my best friends at UIS are leaving the dorms for good this week. Matt and Brad are both moving on to bigger and better things...its tough for me to see them go but I'm SOOOOOO excited for them!

We had a party tonight in the dorm and it was AWESOME! I spent almost all day preparing for it though so not much studying got done, but its okay because I have all day tomorrow to start studying... :(

Well I'm exhausted so I'm gonna go ahead and get to sleep. Just wanted ya'll to know I'm doing GREAT!!!


Monday, December 05, 2005

Today's The Day...

Well, I'm sitting here in my room, the TV off, by myself. I keep thinking today of what I was doing a year ago right now. A year ago right now (4:40) I was getting the worst phone call of my life. A year ago right now my life completely changed.

It's hard for me to let go. Just in general. Hard to let go of anything really. Sometimes I get so consumed with the past that I can barely handle moving forward. Of course I do move forward, but its not easy. I feel like in the past week and a half i've regressed to the way I was feeling a year ago today. I havent let myself be as happy as I think I should be, and I constantly am thinking...I wonder what Scott would've done in that situation. I wish that he could be here to see this. I want to see him, just one more time.

I'm sorry if I cant make this be 'just another day', to me its not 'just another day' today is the day. Today is the day my youth minister died. Today. Please dont tell me you understand. That probably is the worst thing you could say to me. Unless you are going through the EXACT same thing, please dont say you understand, because however much you may WANT to understand, you dont.

Well...its gonna be a long week

Saturday, December 03, 2005


ok...so its not break. but I'm taking a break, to BLOG! woohoo!

As you all probly have noticed, its been a hard few days for me. I guess what I'm having issues with is WHY it is having such an impact, I mean, I thought I was okay, I thought I had gotten over it. I guess I'll just have to keep swimming :)

In other news, I mailed my internship application video to CIY on thursday. $13.48 later, my video and all my references and my written application are all in before the due date :) I'm so glad. I'm worried about it. I'm not gonna lie. I keep thinking of things I could've done better, or at least differently. Maybe it would turn out differently. The good thing I guess is that I'll find out if I get it (or if I dont) by January 13th! before I even come back from break I'll know if I have plans this summer or not. whoa. Its big for me. REALLY BIG. I cant imagine not going home for the summer. I mean my stuff would be at home but realistically how often would I get to visit? not very often.

So if I get this internship I need a new bank. One that has plenty of locations all over the United States. I've been waiting to look into that until I find out if I get the job or not...but I think that'll be an exciting moment for me...I'll have my own bank account...course, we all know that I'll have my dad's name on it kuz then if I need $ he can put some in there like he does ;) My dad rocks. I'm just saying. He's going back to school ya know? He's taking a full load at the community college next semester, he wants to be a History teacher. I think its awesome. I think it would be awesome if we both ended up being history teachers...i've also had 'what am i going to do w/my life crisis' this week, but I'm learning to just let it go.

I think the thing i've learned the most in the past couple weeks is that if something doesnt work out, its because God has something better in store for me. I just HAVE to trust that when things dont work out (in a general sense) that there must be something WAAAY better waiting at the next corner, and if everything I WANT to work out worked out I would miss those things. I read an amazing blog on a procrastination break just like this one a few days ago. You should read it. You really should.

i'm just sayin